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         Like most people I, as a small child, enjoyed school and believed it was the most entertaining past time. While at school I could be with my friends or make new friends, and the most work we had to do was sit still while being read to. This is where most people enjoy the learning process and books become their friend. However, then the teacher proceeds to telling us that we must learn our ABC's and how to spell. At this point school is still fun because we still have nap times and can bring in pillows and blankets to read with, yet the tables will soon turn. When it came time to start writing essays and a specific way to write paragraphs about topics we either don't care about or don't know anything about, that is when school and I no longer saw eye to eye.
         It didn't take very long after my first few grade school years to completely hate reading, and books, and anything that I would have to look at letters and make sense of them. Not liking reading made sense to me my sister would go to the bookstore and spend twenty dollars or more on books that she would finish then never read again. Why would  I want to spend so much money on something I can't even have fun with? I was a child, I could've spent that money on a video game or something my friends and I could have fun with. Without buying my own books I didn't have access to books to read even if I decided I wanted to. Not reading when I was little made a bigger vocabulary almost impossible and understanding school readings became very difficult.
         Being so behind with my pre-education made even basic reading and writing in school frustrating. while most students could effortlessly write a perfect paragraph and turn it into a very well written essay, I struggled to find any aptitude to put two words down. Even now, as I attempt to write this paper about my learning experiences, I find it difficult to pay attention to a coherent thought long enough to write it down. Many times already I have had to take a break and re-gather my thoughts. These are all things that I had to learn to deal with over time and channel into a method that gives me the ability to write.
         Perhaps if as a child I would've taken after my sister and read as much as she, reading and writing assignments wouldn't be nearly as difficult for me. However, I now read much more than I would before. As I grew up I realized that I was simply picky with the type of books I liked to read. After I found books I enjoyed reading it wasn't such a chore. Now books have become my friend once again but writing anything except poems gives me no interest and causes me to struggle to finish what I started.
Where I am now in my education is a better place than where I was when I was younger. Reading has not proven itself to be as difficult, however, writing is still an issue I have to work with. For the most part I believe that I still have a problem with writing because it comes so naturally to my peers which makes this frustrating for me. Hopefully this is an issue I will soon be able to resolve for the sake of my future writings, whether it be speeches or a letter with great importance.

Who Am I


Rose Dassay

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